Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Où donner de la tête?

It's difficult to keep up with the weather changes these days.
The trip to London early in April, graced by sunshine and a feeling of spring coming, has been followed by cold rain in Verona, very hot weather for someone who has spent 5 years in London, and heavy rain again.
So, in chronological order, here is a few snapshots of a couple of a recent week-end.
Since Verona is only 1h30 away from Venice by local train (7,5 euros single only!), I hopped on a train for the day when the weather was ideal and spent the day shooting. Of course my battery ran out 50 m from the Piazza San Marco and I could only find a shop selling batteries after the Rialto bridge. Such is the price to pay for having delayed buying a second battery. But that did not diminish the fun for very long.


One of the two is a reflection on the canal....


  1. Wow! what stunning photos of a beautiful place. xx

    1. thank you! Yes, Venice deserves its reputation...
